Now we can communicate with the outside world, let’s start interacting with the “hardware” attached to our motion controller. This will be the beginning of our Motion system.

The simplest way to interact with the world is by executing a pre-defined routine, and one of the simplest useful routines is to move all axes to the home position.

System Inputs and Outputs Link to heading

From our initial requirements gathering we know that our 3D printer will have three linear axes (X, Y, and Z), with limit switches at the ends of each axis. This gives our new Motion system six inputs to deal with.

Stepper motors don’t usually come with an encoder (a device for tracking position), meaning we don’t really have any way of determining where an axis is other than by counting the number of stepper pulses sent. Let’s assume that the actual sending of pulses is done by a stepper motor driver component, and it tells us how many pulses it has sent since the last poll() of the application.

For technical reasons (the browser won’t trigger our App::poll() more frequently than 60Hz) we won’t be implementing a “true” stepper motor driver component. Instead, we can emulate its behaviour from JavaScript.

// (not real code)

trait Inputs {
    // the number of pulses sent since the last tick
    fn x_pulses_sent(&self) -> i32;
    fn y_pulses_sent(&self) -> i32;
    fn z_pulses_sent(&self) -> i32;

    fn at_x_lower_limit(&self) -> bool;
    fn at_x_upper_limit(&self) -> bool;

    fn at_y_lower_limit(&self) -> bool;
    fn at_y_upper_limit(&self) -> bool;

    fn at_z_lower_limit(&self) -> bool;
    fn at_z_upper_limit(&self) -> bool;

Stepper are controlled by sending pulses to the motor, and the frequency these pulses are sent out (e.g. 42 pulses/second) is the parameter usually used to control this motion. This will typically be done on a motion controller using timers, setting the timer period to trigger an interrupt exactly when the next pulse needs to be sent.

This means we’ll be using a control regime called Velocity Control. This is essentially where you control the system purely via velocity, as opposed to controlling the position or acceleration (or rather motor torque/force).

You may want to read Position Control vs Velocity Control vs Torque Control on the Robotics section of StackExchange to find out about the other control regimes, and where one particular regime might be chosen over another.

// (not real code)

trait Outputs {
    fn set_x_motion(&mut self, steps_per_second: f32);
    fn set_y_motion(&mut self, steps_per_second: f32);
    fn set_z_motion(&mut self, steps_per_second: f32);

One downside of Velocity Control is that you have less control over position and unless you have specific hardware which provides feedback (e.g. an encoder), the only way to know an axis’ position is by counting it yourself based on time between ticks and the current speed (i.e. position += velocity*dt).

Keep in mind that positional accuracy will depend directly on the poll() frequency. This is one of the big differentiators between realtime systems and “normal” systems, poll() frequency (and by extension performance in general) is a determining factor in whether something will fulfill its requirements.

Planning Link to heading

Now we’ve got a better idea of the inputs and outputs available to our system, we need to figure out how to implement “Go To Home”. We’ll want to choose a consistent well-known spot for our home position, and based on the inputs available moving all axes to the end of travel seems logical.

There are a couple ways we could implement this:

  1. Move one axis to its home position at a time
  2. Move all axes simultaneously, stopping each axis when it reaches its corresponding limit in turn

The former would be simpler to implement, but for a small increase in complexity the latter could potentially take 1/3 the time.

In pseudo-code, this would look something like:

while not (at_x_lower_limit and at_y_lower_limit and at_z_lower_limit):

Implementing a Go To Home Sequence Link to heading

There are a couple tricks we’ll use to make the implementation if this homing sequence easier.

First we’ll abstract over the exact type of axis this sequence works on. That means it doesn’t matter whether we’re controlling a stepper motor attached to a gearbox or a simple servo. We should be able to tell the axis to move home at a particular velocity in human-friendly units like mm/sec, and leave the calculation of stepper frequency and trauma speeds to some Stepper Motor Driver component.

From here on we’ll also be using the uom crate for all dimensions and motion parameters. It helps to document what a particular variable corresponds to (i.e. the speed = distance/time calculation would be done with Velocity, Length, and Time, instead of f32, f32, and f32) and makes it almost impossible to mess up units (e.g. mm vs in, or mm/s vs m/s).

The interface for our limit switches and axes is rather simple:

// hal/src/

use uom::si::f32::Velocity;

/// A driver for controlling axis motion using *velocity control*.
pub trait Axes {
    /// Tell the specified axis to move at a desired velocity.
    fn set_target_velocity(&mut self, axis_number: usize, velocity: Velocity);

    /// Get the actual velocity a particular axis is moving at.
    fn velocity(&self, axis_number: usize) -> Option<Velocity>;

/// A driver which tracks the limit switch state.
pub trait Limits {
    fn limit_switches(&self, axis_number: usize) -> Option<LimitSwitchState>;

/// The state of a set of limit switches.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Default)]
pub struct LimitSwitchState {
    pub at_lower_limit: bool,
    pub at_upper_limit: bool,

We’ll also create a generic automation sequence which moves just one axis to its home position.

Automation sequences work by being polled frequently in order to make progress, eventually reaching a Success state or stopping early with some sort of Fault.

// hal/src/

/// An automation sequence which will either be polled to completion or abort
/// early with a fault.
pub trait AutomationSequence<Input, Output> {
    /// Extra info attached to a fault.
    type FaultInfo;

    fn poll(&mut self, inputs: &Input, outputs: &mut Output) -> Transition<Self::FaultInfo>;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Transition<F> {
    /// The [`AutomationSequence`] completed successfully.
    /// The [`AutomationSequence`] failed with a particular fault code.
    /// The [`AutomationSequence`] is still running.

Next we’ll create a MoveAxisHome automation sequence which will try to move the axis_number‘th axis to its lower limit (in the negative direction) at a specific homing_speed.

// motion/src/

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MoveAxisHome {
    homing_speed: Velocity,
    axis_number: usize,

When neither limit switch is actuated our MoveAxisHome automation sequence should tell the corresponding axis to move backwards.

// motion/src/

fn polling_without_hitting_limits_makes_an_axis_move_backwards() {
    let mut seq = MoveAxisHome::new(Velocity::new::<millimeter_per_second>(100.0), 7);
    let mut axes = DummyAxes::default();
    let mut limits = DummyLimits::default();
    limits.0.insert(7, LimitSwitchState::default());

    let trans = seq.poll(&limits, &mut axes);

    assert_eq!(trans, Transition::Incomplete);
    assert_eq!(axes.0.len(), 1);
    assert_eq!(axes.0.get(&7).copied(), Some(-1.0 * seq.homing_speed));

Additionally, we want to be moving towards the lower limit so hitting the upper limit means something has gone wrong. Typically this means the limits are wired backwards.

// motion/src/

fn actuating_the_upper_limit_is_a_fault() {
    let mut seq = MoveAxisHome::new(Velocity::new::<millimeter_per_second>(100.0), 7);
    let mut axes = DummyAxes::default();
    let mut limits = DummyLimits::default();
        LimitSwitchState { at_lower_limit: false, at_upper_limit: true },

    let trans = seq.poll(&limits, &mut axes);

    assert_eq!(trans, Transition::Fault(Fault::unexpected_upper_limit(7)));
    assert_eq!(axes.velocity(7), Some(Velocity::default()));

And finally, reaching the lower limit should complete the sequence.

// motion/src/

fn actuating_the_lower_limit_completes_the_sequence() {
    let mut seq = MoveAxisHome::new(Velocity::new::<millimeter_per_second>(100.0), 7);
    let mut axes = DummyAxes::default();
    let mut limits = DummyLimits::default();
        LimitSwitchState { at_lower_limit: true, at_upper_limit: false },

    let trans = seq.poll(&limits, &mut axes);

    assert_eq!(trans, Transition::Complete);
    assert_eq!(axes.velocity(7), Some(Velocity::default()));

We’ve now got enough tests to implement a basic MoveAxisHome sequence. There are still a couple edge cases to cover (e.g. what happens if we start the sequence on the upper limit?) but they can be an exercise for the reader.

A quick’n’dirty implementation that makes all the tests pass:

// motion/src/

impl<L: Limits, A: Axes> AutomationSequence<L, A> for MoveAxisHome {
    type FaultInfo = Fault;

    fn poll(&mut self, inputs: &L, outputs: &mut A) -> Transition<Self::FaultInfo> {
        let limits = match inputs.limit_switches(self.axis_number) {
            Some(l) => l,
            None => {
                return Transition::Fault(Fault::axis_not_found(self.axis_number))

        if limits.at_upper_limit {
            outputs.set_target_velocity(self.axis_number, Velocity::default());
        } else if limits.at_lower_limit {
            outputs.set_target_velocity(self.axis_number, Velocity::default());
        } else {
            outputs.set_target_velocity(self.axis_number, -1.0 * self.homing_speed);

Combining Automation Sequences Link to heading

Because we’re moving multiple axes at a time, it’d be nice to have a helper that lets us execute several AutomationSequences simultaneously. A good analogy would be the and_then() and join() combinators commonly used with futures.

The general idea is:

  • Create an array of Option<AutomationSequence>s
  • to implement AutomationSequence::poll(), iterate over the sequences, polling each sequence that is present
  • If any sequence returns a Transition::Fault, halt immediately with that fault
  • If a sequence returns Transition::Complete, “remove” it from the array using Option::take()
  • Repeat until all sequences are completed

The actual declaration for this All combinator gets a little messy because we need to use AsMut and some other trait-level trickery to work around the lack of proper const generics. It also leaks some implementation details like needing to provide the [Option<A>; N] storage buffer in the constructor instead of just taking a list of AutomationSequences.

// hal/src/

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct All<A, V, I, O> {
    sequences: V,
    _automation_type: PhantomData<A>,
    _input_type: PhantomData<I>,
    _output_type: PhantomData<O>,

impl<A, V, I, O> All<A, V, I, O>
    V: AsMut<[Option<A>]>,
    A: AutomationSequence<I, O>,
    pub fn new(items: V) -> Self {
        All {
            sequences: items,
            _automation_type: PhantomData,
            _input_type: PhantomData,
            _output_type: PhantomData,

The AutomationSequence::poll() method itself isn’t overly complicated though.

// hal/src/

impl<I, O, A: AutomationSequence<I, O>, V: AsMut<[Option<A>]>>
    AutomationSequence<I, O> for All<A, V, I, O>
    type FaultInfo = A::FaultInfo;

    fn poll(
        &mut self,
        inputs: &I,
        outputs: &mut O,
    ) -> Transition<Self::FaultInfo> {
        let variants = self.sequences.as_mut();

        for variant in variants.iter_mut() {
            if let Transition::Fault(f) = poll_variant(variant, inputs, outputs)
                return Transition::Fault(f);

        if variants.iter().all(|v| v.is_none()) {
        } else {

fn poll_variant<I, O, A>(
    variant: &mut Option<A>,
    inputs: &I,
    outputs: &mut O,
) -> Transition<A::FaultInfo>
    A: AutomationSequence<I, O>,
    let trans = match variant {
        Some(ref mut sequence) => sequence.poll(inputs, outputs),
        None => Transition::Complete,

    if trans.at_end_state() {
        let _ = variant.take();


Now we’ve got a useable All combinator, it’s almost trivial to make a wrapper that runs our Go To Home sequence on each axis concurrently.

// motion/src/

pub struct Home<L: Limits, A: Axes> {
    inner: All<MoveAxisHome, [Option<MoveAxisHome>; 3], L, A>,

impl<L: Limits, A: Axes> Home<L, A> {
    pub fn new(
        x_axis: usize,
        y_axis: usize,
        z_axis: usize,
        homing_speed: Velocity,
    ) -> Self {
        Home {
            inner: All::new([
                Some(MoveAxisHome::new(homing_speed, x_axis)),
                Some(MoveAxisHome::new(homing_speed, y_axis)),
                Some(MoveAxisHome::new(homing_speed, z_axis)),

impl<L: Limits, A: Axes> AutomationSequence<L, A> for Home<L, A> {
    type FaultInfo = Fault;

    fn poll(
        &mut self,
        inputs: &L,
        outputs: &mut A,
    ) -> Transition<Self::FaultInfo> {
        self.inner.poll(inputs, outputs)

The Next Step Link to heading

Now we’re able to work with automation sequences we should create a Motion system which can invoke those sequences in response to requests from the frontend.