A couple days ago I released markedit, a small crate for editing unstructured markdown documents. This is a useful enough library that I thought I’d explain the main ideas behind it and potential use cases.
This originally came about when I was at work, preparing our application’s change log before a release for the umpteenth time (we’ve found the keep a changelog format really useful) and on the drive home I started thinking of ways to automate things.

(obligatory XKCD reference)
To put this into context, we’ve tried to automate the release process as much as possible to minimise friction and avoid using the time required to cut a release as an excuse for putting it off. It’s now at the point where the fairly involved process of generating a release (compiling independent projects written in multiple languages, rendering docs, bumping version numbers, tagging commits, generating installers, uploading assets to a file server, etc.) can be done with a single click.
Everything’s automated. The whole system functions like a well-oiled machine… Except for that annoying change log.
See, I still need to manually promote everything under the [Unreleased]
section to its own named release (e.g. [v1.2.3] - 2020-02-09
) and update
links so [Unreleased]
now points to the diff between the v1.2.3
tag and
, and [v1.2.3]
shows the diff between v1.2.2
and v1.2.3
. The
linked pages look kinda like this and are surprisingly useful
when trying to track down regressions or get an overview of what code changed
between releases.
It’s only a couple find-and-replace operations, but needing to spend an extra 60 seconds manually editing files before a release acts as a speed bump and means you can’t just hit the “Release” button and grab a coffee. There’s also a real chance that we could forget to update the change log before cutting a release, and that’d be embarrassing.
The code written in this article is available on GitHub and published on crates.io. Feel free to browse through and steal code or inspiration.
If you found this useful or spotted a bug, let me know on the blog’s issue tracker!
The Main Concepts Link to heading
Now that I’ve explained the initial inspiration for this project, let’s have a high-level look at the implementation.
There are a couple fundamental concepts, but the central one is the stream of
markdown Event
s emitted by pulldown-cmark’s markdown parser.
This is just an iterator over things like Event::Start(Tag::Heading(1))
Event::Text("some text")
, and Event::End(Tag::Link(...))
Reusing the Iterator
interface from the standard library already makes
quite easy to use, but when you’re trying to look for a
specific pattern (e.g. “the first line after a level 1 heading”) the code
starts to get pretty gnarly.
For example, the logic in mdbook
for parsing a
and discovering the book’s structure is particularly hard to
understand, and the fact it’s barely been touched in two years is a good
indicator of that… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a bit guilty for
writing such a code monster 😔
To ease this problem of matching sequences of events we introduce the concept
of a Matcher, something which can be fed Event
s and will tell you when it
finds a match. It’s essentially a fancy predicate.
To actually do something once you’ve found a match we have rewriting rules. This is a bit of code which lets you manipulate the stream of events in-place (e.g. by skipping certain items or adding new ones).
Something to note is this entire process is built upon the Iterator
trait. At
no point should the markedit
crate assume you’ve parsed an entire document
into memory beforehand.
My primary reasons for this were:
- Memory usage - a document contains a lot of
s, and by not reading everything into memory we can avoid large amounts of memory (memory overhead with iterators is ammortisedO(1)
instead ofO(n)
) - Flexibility - the core algorithms shouldn’t need to care if the events are already in a buffer, streamed from the network, or the caller has already done some pre-processing of the events via the various iterator combinators
- Because I can - I mean, why else do we do half the things we do?
Matchers Link to heading
At its core the Matcher
trait is quite trivial.
// src/matchers/mod.rs
pub trait Matcher {
fn matches_event(&mut self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool;
However if combined with closures and ideas from functional programming we can build something reminiscent of Parser Combinators.
// src/matchers/mod.rs
impl<F> Matcher for F
F: FnMut(&Event<'_>) -> bool,
fn matches_event(&mut self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool { self(event) }
For example, here is the definition for the text()
function for getting a
which applies a predicate to every Event::Text
// src/matchers/mod.rs
/// Match a [`Event::Text`] node using an arbitrary predicate.
pub fn text<P>(mut predicate: P) -> impl Matcher
P: FnMut(&str) -> bool,
move |ev: &Event<'_>| match ev {
Event::Text(text) => predicate(text.as_ref()),
_ => false,
This lets us build a Matcher
which will return true
when it encounters an
exact string, or a piece of text containing our desired string.
// src/matchers/mod.rs
pub fn exact_text<S: AsRef<str>>(needle: S) -> impl Matcher {
text(move |text| AsRef::<str>::as_ref(text) == needle.as_ref())
pub fn text_containing<S: AsRef<str>>(needle: S) -> impl Matcher {
text(move |text| text.contains(needle.as_ref()))
You’ll notice that we’re using the impl Trait
pattern all over the place.
This lets us create complex types while preserving the ability to change our
underlying implementation (e.g. imagine we decide to use an explicit type
instead of a closure) while maintaining backwards compatibility.
As an added bonus, because impl Trait
uses static dispatch the optimiser
should hopefully be able to generate machine code as good as what a human
could write manually.
Matching Headings Link to heading
When I’m moving items from the [Unreleased]
section to their own named release
I’ll select everything between the end of the [Unreleased]
section header and
the start of the next header.
To create a Matcher
which will match those items I’ll first need to detect
when we’re inside a heading. This is a little more complicated than a simple
yes/no predicate, so for readability I’ve decided to implement this using a
struct instead of a closure.
// src/matchers/heading.rs
/// Matches the items inside a heading tag, including the start and end tags.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Heading {
inside_heading: bool,
level: Option<u32>,
impl Heading {
/// Create a new [`Heading`].
const fn new(level: Option<u32>) -> Self {
Heading {
inside_heading: false,
/// Matches any heading.
pub const fn any_level() -> Self { Heading::new(None) }
/// Matches only headings with the desired level.
pub const fn with_level(level: u32) -> Self { Heading::new(Some(level)) }
The implementation is also pretty simple. When we see the start of a header with
the desired level, keep returning true
until we see the end tag.
// src/matchers/heading.rs
impl Matcher for Heading {
fn matches_event(&mut self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
match event {
Event::Start(Tag::Heading(level)) if self.matches_level(*level) => {
self.inside_heading = true;
Event::End(Tag::Heading(level)) if self.matches_level(*level) => {
self.inside_heading = false;
// make sure the end tag is also matched
return true;
_ => {},
impl Heading {
fn matches_level(&self, level: u32) -> bool {
match self.level {
Some(expected) => level == expected,
None => true,
While we’re at it, we should probably write a test to make sure we match a
all the items inside a header. I just printed the Event
s generated by a string
of text then manually marked each event as true
or false
depending on what
I’d expect.
// src/matchers/heading.rs
fn match_everything_inside_a_header() {
// The original text for these events was:
// This is some text.
// ## Then a *header*
// [And a link](https://example.com)
let inputs = vec![
(Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph), false),
(Event::Text("This is some text.".into()), false),
(Event::End(Tag::Paragraph), false),
(Event::Start(Tag::Heading(2)), true),
(Event::Text("Then a ".into()), true),
(Event::Start(Tag::Emphasis), true),
(Event::Text("header".into()), true),
(Event::End(Tag::Emphasis), true),
(Event::End(Tag::Heading(2)), true),
(Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph), false),
(Event::Start(Tag::Link(LinkType::Inline, "https://example.com".into(), "".into())), false),
(Event::Text("And a link".into()), false),
(Event::End(Tag::Link(LinkType::Inline, "https://example.com".into(), "".into())), false),
(Event::End(Tag::Paragraph), false),
let mut matcher = Heading::any_level();
for (tag, should_be) in inputs {
let got = matcher.matches_event(&tag);
assert_eq!(got, should_be, "{:?}", tag);
Matching a Falling Edge Link to heading
Remember that we want to select items between two headings, that means we’ll
need to a falling edge signal from the Heading
s matcher.
This can be done generically using some FallingEdge
matcher which wraps
another matcher.
// src/matchers/falling_edge.rs
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct FallingEdge<M> {
inner: M,
previous_was_matched: bool,
impl<M> FallingEdge<M> {
pub const fn new(inner: M) -> Self {
FallingEdge {
previous_was_matched: false,
From here, detecting a falling edge pretty straightforward.
// src/matchers/falling_edge.rs
impl<M: Matcher> Matcher for FallingEdge<M> {
fn matches_event(&mut self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
let current_is_matched = self.inner.matches_event(event);
let is_falling_edge = self.previous_was_matched && !current_is_matched;
self.previous_was_matched = current_is_matched;
For convenience we can add a combinator method to the Matcher
trait. This will
allow users to compose matchers using method syntax instead of needing to write
the more verbose FallingEdge::new(...)
// src/matchers/mod.rs
pub trait Matcher {
/// Get a [`Matcher`] which returns `true` when `self` goes from `true` to
/// `false`.
fn falling_edge(self) -> FallingEdge<Self>
Self: Sized,
By combining the Heading
and FallingEdge
matchers we now have all the tools
necessary to find the items between two headings in a markdown document.
Once you reach this point it’s easy to get carried away making more and more
elaborate Matcher
primitives (i.e. text()
and Heading
) and combinators
(i.e. FallingEdge
), so let’s discuss document manipulation.
Rewrite Rules Link to heading
It took a bit of thinking to come up with an API flexible enough to allow updating items in-place (imagine auto-correcting text), removing items, and adding items, all without reading the full document into memory or seeking back and forth.
This is the API I eventually came up with:
// src/rewriters/mod.rs
/// Something which can rewrite events.
pub trait Rewriter<'src> {
/// Process a single [`Event`].
/// This may mean ignoring it, mutating it, or adding new events to the
/// [`Writer`]'s buffer.
/// The [`Writer`] is used as a temporary buffer that will then be streamed
/// to the user via [`rewrite()`].
fn rewrite_event(&mut self, event: Event<'src>, writer: &mut Writer<'src>);
Again, seeing as this trait only has a single method it’s an ideal candidate for allowing people to use concise closures instead of needing to create a full type.
// src/rewriters/mod.rs
impl<'src, F> Rewriter<'src> for F
F: FnMut(Event<'src>, &mut Writer<'src>),
fn rewrite_event(&mut self, event: Event<'src>, writer: &mut Writer<'src>) {
self(event, writer);
You may be wondering what this Writer
is for, well that’s where a lot of the
rewriting magic comes in.
// src/rewriters/writer.rs
use pulldown_cmark::Event;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// The output buffer given to [`Rewriter::rewrite_event()`].
pub struct Writer<'a> {
pub(crate) buffer: VecDeque<Event<'a>>,
impl<'a> Writer<'a> {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Writer<'a> {
Writer {
buffer: VecDeque::new(),
/// Queue an [`Event`] to be emitted.
pub fn push(&mut self, event: Event<'a>) { self.buffer.push_back(event); }
impl<'a> Extend<Event<'a>> for Writer<'a> {
fn extend<I: IntoIterator<Item = Event<'a>>>(&mut self, iter: I) {
This innoculous Writer
struct serves as a temporary holding place for events
that needed to be spliced into the resulting stream of Event
s. We can combine
the Writer
and our Rewrite
trait to create a Rewritten
stream of Event
// src/rewriters/rewritten.rs
/// A stream of [`Event`]s that have been modified by a [`Rewriter`].
pub struct Rewritten<'src, E, R>
E: Iterator<Item = Event<'src>>,
events: E,
rewriter: R,
writer: Writer<'src>,
impl<'src, E, R> Iterator for Rewritten<'src, E, R>
E: Iterator<Item = Event<'src>>,
R: Rewriter<'src>,
type Item = Event<'src>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// we're still working through items buffered by the rewriter
if let Some(ev) = self.writer.buffer.pop_front() {
return Some(ev);
// we need to pop another event and process it
let event = self.events.next()?;
self.rewriter.rewrite_event(event, &mut self.writer);
The idea is to keep popping Event
s from the Writer
buffer until there are no
more, then fetch the next Event
from the underlying stream and ask our
to process it, updating the buffer in the process. Repeat until the
inner stream runs out.
Making A Rewriter Link to heading
Probably the easiest Rewriter
to implement is something that will splice new
events into the event stream before every match.
This lets us use something like the Heading::any_level().falling_edge()
matcher to insert something immediately after a heading (we match the first
item after the heading’s close tag).
// src/rewriters/mod.rs
/// Splice some events into the resulting event stream before every match.
pub fn insert_before<'src, M>(
to_insert: Vec<Event<'src>>,
mut matcher: M,
) -> impl Rewriter<'src> + 'src
M: Matcher + 'src,
move |ev: Event<'src>, writer: &mut Writer<'src>| {
if matcher.matches_event(&ev) {
Once you get past the various 'src
lifetime annotations, impl Trait
, and
closure syntax, this function is pretty simple. Whenever we get another event
check whether our matcher matches it, and add a copy of the desired events to
the stream. We want the matched event to also be outputted so we always need
to add it to the Writer
Let’s also create an insert_markdown_before()
function which takes a string
of markdown text. Most users won’t want to be generating a list of Event
manually, so this allows us to present a more user-friendly interface.
// src/rewriters/mod.rs
/// Inserts some markdown text before whatever is matched by the [`Matcher`].
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use markedit::Matcher;
/// let src = "# Heading\nsome text\n";
/// let first_line_after_heading = markedit::exact_text("Heading")
/// .falling_edge();
/// let rewriter = markedit::insert_markdown_before(
/// "## Second Heading",
/// first_line_after_heading,
/// );
/// let events = markedit::parse(src);
/// let rewritten: Vec<_> = markedit::rewrite(events, rewriter).collect();
/// // if everything went to plan, the output should contain "Second Heading"
/// assert!(markedit::exact_text("Second Heading").is_in(&rewritten));
/// ```
pub fn insert_markdown_before<'src, M, S>(
markdown_text: S,
matcher: M,
) -> impl Rewriter<'src> + 'src
M: Matcher + 'src,
S: AsRef<str> + 'src,
let events = crate::parse(markdown_text.as_ref())
insert_before(events, matcher)
Possible Applications Link to heading
Now you’ve got a better understanding of the abstractions provided by the
crate, you should have a better idea of where they can be applied.
The Matcher
idea is especially powerful when you want to extract information
from a markdown document.
Unlike structured data formats like protobufs, the items in a markdown
document don’t have a well defined order and you can’t make any sweeping
assumptions about the Event
stream coming from the parser. Instead we rely
on conventions (a project README might have a level 1 header with the title,
then a paragraph or two of description, then a level 2 header with getting
started instructions, etc.) and need a concise, flexible mechanism for
extracting data. That mechanism is the Matcher
In the same way that you can build up an XPath query for searching
an XML document or chain of sed
, grep
, and awk
commands for searching
plain text, the various Matcher
combinators let you build up a markdown
The Rewriter
mechanism lets you (surprise, surprise) rewrite part of a
document. You can think of it as a markdown-aware sed
, and as such can be used
for a lot of the same operations.
After rewriting part of an Event
you’ll need a way to turn it back into
markdown text. The markedit
crate doesn’t (yet!) have a pretty-printer,
however you can leverage existing solutions like pulldown-cmark-to-cmark
for the same effect.
Some places you might want to use the markedit
crate instead of working with
raw events from pulldown-cmark
- extracting structured information from Rust docstrings (e.g. killercup/rust-docstrings)
preprocessors- extracting links from markdown documents to verify they are still valid (mdbook-linkcheck)
- automatically correcting spelling mistakes
- Merging several markdown documents and updating inter-doc links so they point to their new location (mdcollate), and of course
- Rewriting part of your
file in preparation for a release
Conclusions Link to heading
This was a fun project to make and I’m pretty happy with the resulting abstractions. Preparing this write-up was also a great way to formalise the main concepts in my head and identify bugs or better ways of formulating the crate’s API.
If you’re working on a new project I’d definitely recommend writing up a blog post explaining how it works. A blog post also doubles as good high-level documentation.
I’m already using it in a couple places, but it needs a lot more use in the
real world before it’s ready for 1.0
. I’d really like to know if you use it
in your own projects and find places it can be improved, especially in areas
like ergonomics or documentation.